Four Eye Patch Quilting Retreat of May 2002


Susan returned on Sunday, bringing with her many show-n-tell quilts. Unfortunately, I was busy getting our computers set up for the Sunday morning online Quilting Forum chat and missed many of them. Here is Susan talking about the women's postage stamp quilt she did, portraying women in history on postage stamps. I'm hoping that someone else got some pictures of Susan's quilts, so they can be seen. Susan does amazing art quilt work ... ideas, construction details, embellishments that would never occur to my logical left-side brain. :-)
Susan had announced that we would attempt an online chat Sunday morning so we could talk with other Forum members who weren't able to make the retreat. My family is on the geeky side (oh boy, is that an understatement!) and each of us have our own computer. We have them networked together and have DSL, so we had 5 computers hooked up for the chat, although we ended up only using 4 of them. Here is Pigley and Teresa at the computer in my office. Pictures of the rest of us doing the online chat thing are at other links (see the first page).
Continue to the next page. (more Sunday Pictures)

Four Eye Patch Quilting Retreat pages

Retreat Home Page | page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4 | page 5 | page 6 | page 7

Credit for graphics used on the quilting pages .. give credit where credit is due


Pat's Web Graphics