After all, I have a lovely, lovely pincushion that I received in my goodie bag at one our our Arizona Retreats.
I used to use the bottom half of a travel soap dish (the top half having sprouted legs and walked away).
I didn't realize how much a pincushion was *useful* until I got this one! So, thank you, Arizona Hostesses!
I also have a small Cathedral Window pincushion that I occassionally use.
I made this one to practice making a hand-pieced Cathedral Window square using a sample of a machine embroidery design and decided to make a pin cushion out of it.
I don't really use it that much.
Then, I ran across an archived blog for sewing machine pincushions from Kathryn at I Can Find The Time blog ... way back in July 2010. I don't even remember if she reposted it, if someone ELSE reposted it or if I found it myself (probably on the way to looking for something else completely!). But ... Kathryn has come up with the most AMAZING, useful, practical pincushion!
When I'm sewing and I remove pins at the sewing machine, I normally just put the pins, loose, on the bed of the machine. I know I have to keep track of them but sometimes they do get pushed aside and fall down the slot between the machine and the cabinet. I find an astounding number of pins on the shelf the machine sits on. :-)
Having this sewing machine pin cushion *right at the machine*, out of the way, but still in a fixed position completely solves the problem of not having a secure place to put the pins as I remove them from whatever it is that I am sewing.
This is an AMAZING idea! (I'm flumoxed that I didn't think of this myself!)
I know *exactly* where that pin cushion is; I know it isn't going to move around; I know it isn't going to fall on the floor.
Whereas Kathryn secured her pin cushion with a ribbon tie, I used a wide grosgrain ribbon and Velcro dots.
I had played around with the idea of sewing a small section of elastic to the grosgrain so that I would be able to make *sure* the pin cushion would fit snugly around the machine .. but when it came time to dig out the elastic, I got lazy. :-)
It turned out that I really didn't need the elastic after all; I'm able to pull the grosgrain ribbon quite snugly and the Velcro dots provide the necessary adjustability.
I liked the idea so much, I made another one for my Janome Gem Gold, which is the machine I take to classes (my Janome 6500, while being a terrific machine, is a *bear* to lug around).
Now, both of the machines that I regularly use have attached (but removable) pincushions! I'm so pleased!
Kathryn came up with a winner of an idea and I'm so glad that I found her blog entry!
Thank you, Kathryn, for being so imaginative!